Call for Papers: Approaching Everyday Sport - RGS-IBG AC2015
Simon and I are organising a session for this year's RGS-IBG Annual Conference in Exeter; the following call for papers might be of interest to geographers, writers, sports sociologists and others. The deadline for submission of abstracts is the 10th of February:
Royal Geographical Society with IBG Annual Conference, University of Exeter, 2 – 4 September 2015
CFP: Approaching everyday sport: socio-cultural geographic perspectives on sport, exercise and fitness
Session Convenors: Miranda Ward (Royal Holloway, University of London) and Simon Cook (Royal Holloway, University of London)
Sponsor: Geographies of Health Research Group
Does your work sit in the overlap?
This session seeks to bring together a diverse array of scholars whose work deals in some way with the place of sport in people’s everyday lives — work which could be said to fit into an emerging and mutable field of “everyday sports geography”. We are interested in what contemporary concepts, theories, and methods used in social and cultural geography can bring to the study of sport, and in exploring the potential for an expanded field of sports geography which takes into account the geographical and societal relevance of sport on a more mundane, individualised scale: the experiences and geographies of, for instance, runners on city streets or lap swimmers in the pool.
We therefore invite papers that attend to, but are by no means limited to, the following themes:
- Everyday geographies of sport, exercise and fitness; the place of sport in people’s everyday lives; the spaces and places of (everyday) sport
- Conceptualisations of and distinctions between sport, exercise and fitness
- The relationship of sport, exercise and fitness to notions of health and wellbeing
- Conceptualising the disciplinary standing of sports geography
- The value of social and cultural geographical approaches, theories, concepts and methods to the study of sport, exercise and fitness.
- The value of these insights to policy arenas such as sport and health policy
- Sporting bodies, and the experience and embodiment of sport
- Emotions in sport, exercise and fitness
- Senses in sport, exercise and fitness
- Affect and materiality in sport, exercise and fitness
- Technology in sport, exercise and fitness
- Representations and meanings of sport; sport in film, literature and media
- The politics of everyday sport, exercise and fitness
- Sport and belonging; sport and citizenship; sport and identity
- Methods of researching and writing sport, exercise and fitness
If you would like to submit a paper, please send abstracts (c.250 words) to Miranda Ward ( and Simon Cook ( by Tuesday 10 February 2015. The intention is to run two sessions, with each paper occupying the usual 20 minute slot.